Nursing Humor

nursing humor

Laughter is good for your health.

These aren’t fun times we’re having right now, but it’s April Fool’s Day!

It’s a great time to spread some nursing humor because laughter is good for you!

Benefits of Laughter

  • Laughter relaxes the body and relieves pain.
  • Laughter burns calories.
  • Laughter boosts the immune system.
  • Laughter lightens your mood.
  • Laughter makes you live longer.
  • Laughter releases “feel good” endorphins.
  • Laughter makes you feel closer to others.

The good news is that most nurses have no problem perfecting and refining their sense of humor. Our jobs help significantly with this.

Nursing Jokes

Three nurses died and went to heaven.

They lined up at the pearly gates to plead their cases with Saint Peter.

The first nurse said I worked night shift in the ED. Although I couldn’t save everyone, I saved a lot of lives and made a big impact on the world. I should go to heaven.

Saint Peter looked over her file and waved her through the pearly gates.

The second nurse said I worked in surgery, helping and saving many, many lives. I deserve to go to heaven.

Saint Peter looked over his file and admitted him to heaven.

The third nurse said I worked as a case manager for an HMO. That’s really hard work. I deserve to go to heaven.

Saint Peter looked over her file, made some calculations on a calculator and said, Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to heaven. For five days.

nursing humor

I know that one made you laugh!

What’s the opposite of you’re out?

You know I had to include a bodily fluid joke!

Why did the nurse tiptoe past the medicine cabinet?
So he wouldn’t wake the sleeping pills.

Kind of juvenile, I know. But funny, right?

Nurses are certainly strange when it comes to humor. Ever heard of these?

Code Brown
If you’re in health care, I do not need to explain this one. Hopefully, you won’t have more than one code brown per shift.

The Q Word
You’re familiar with this quirky phrase. Saying “it sure is quiet” is the best way for the sh** to hit the fan. So if your shift is going well, just keep it to yourself and never say the Q word.

There are loads of nursing memes that hit us a little too close to home. Like this one . . .

Stay happy and safe.

Spend some time boosting your immune system by laughing a little or a lot.

You know what they say, the nurse who smiles is probably off duty!


Julie don't forget your power
nursing humor

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