Three Little-Known Reasons Why a Bernese Mountain Dog Is the Perfect Pet for a Nurse 

1. The Bernese is a master at balancing trailblazing and couch potato qualities. Their ability to get up and go at a moment’s notice is laudable, but they are rarely the ones pushing you toward the door for a jaunt.

That’s because their calm nature allows them to remain content and peaceful until the leash is exposed, cueing them toward the door. On a nurse’s busy schedule this means you’re in control of walk time.

2. This Alpine breed thrives in cooler temperatures and loves to accompany their families during sledding adventures, cross country skiing excursions, and snow-packed hiking exploits. But their placid personalities mean they will never complain about a day at the beach or a stroll around the lake because they’re not shy about cooling off in the water followed by a mellow shakedown of their fabulous fur.

As a nurse, you can count on your Berner to be your workout buddy even if your outdoor activity of choice is limited because you work night shift.

Bernese Mountain Dog

3. The Bernese Mountain dog is, plain and simple, a first-rate friend. They have an uncanny knack for sensing human emotion and imparting their sense of comfort and humor with every family member. And they do this from puppy-hood throughout adulthood.

They don’t care if you’re crying or laughing, they’re either in your lap or sitting on your feet ready to help. As nurses, we often need a listening, non-judgmental, and fluffy ear.


Julie don't forget your power
Bernese Mountain Dog

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