10 Healthy Eating Tips for Night Shift Nurses

10 healthy eating tips for night shift nurses

1.Avoid fried, fatty, or spicy foods, especially in the early morning hours. These can cause heartburn, gas, or constipation and interfere with daytime sleep.

2. Avoid sugary drinks and foods. Although they’re great for a quick shot of energy, you will crash and be left dragging with no energy. Nutritious snacks help maintain a consistent energy level for several hours.

3. If possible, don’t rush through your meals or snacks. Learn to savor every bite, enjoy your break time and the time with coworkers.

4. Stay hydrated! We all know that water is necessary for every single metabolic function in the body. But beyond that, you need plenty of water to be able to stay alert and avoid grogginess through the night. Along with water some great options for hydration are low fat milk, low sodium 100% vegetable juice, and unsweetened herbal teas. Remember to sip throughout the night. When you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated at a cellular level.

5. Caffeine? Well, here’s the low down. It can help you stay awake but it can also affect your day sleep. Caffeine will stay in your system for about 8 hours so try to consume less than 400mg of caffeine per night and stop by 12am.

6. Avoid alcohol when you get home from work. It may help you feel relaxed but it is well known that alcohol disrupts sleep cycles.5

7. If you’re starving after your night shift, eat a light snack instead of a whole meal. Going to sleep with your stomach growling or with your belly overstuffed can both interfere with sleep. Consume foods that are easily digested like fruit or eggs. A piece of whole grain toast or small bowl of whole grain cereal with milk will likely be just the right amount.

8. Maintain a healthy body weight. I won’t go into exercising while working night shift in this post, but staying active beyond your shift work is a crucial part of lowering your risk for obesity, heart disease, and some types of cancer. Sometime during the night try to go for a walk, sprint up a flight of stairs, or take a stretch break.

9. If possible, stick to your routine. Experts recommend that shift workers avoid ping-ponging back and forth between sleeping days and nights. On your days off try to sleep and eat at the same times you would while working. This isn’t always practical, but even if you’re able to do it the 24 to 48 hours before you go back to nights, it will make a big difference.

10. It’s always a good idea to try to eat at least one meal each day with your family. They are the reason you’re working nights after all! Studies show that families who eat together stay connected and eat healthier, more well balanced meals.

If you enjoyed these tips, be sure to check out Healthy Snacks for Night Shift Nurses.

Drop me a comment about your best tips for eating healthy while working night shift.


Julie don't forget your power
Healthy eating for night shift nurses is a crucial part of self-care while working nights. If you want to feel better during the nights and sleep better during the days, check out these 10 healthy eating tips for night shift nurses. #nprush #nightshift #nurse #nurses #nightshiftnurse #healthyeating #healthyeatingnightshift

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