In Case You Forgot: You’re Amazing

You're Amazing

Hello, My Lovelies!

Nursing is the greatest profession on earth, but that doesn’t mean it’s not tough as nails!!

So, just in case no one has reminded you in a while: you’re wonderful!!

There’s nothing you have to do. No need to earn, prove, or become.

You’re more than enough just the way you are.

You alone are full of worthiness, exactly as you are right now.

And I’m right here cheering you on and on and one, dear friend!

This world often sends messages that are harsh and negative.

Worse yet, those negative and harsh messages make their way into our minds and become part of our self-talk. And that can sting!

You're Amazing

So it’s time to cut yourself a break and hush your inner critic.

You’re doing the best you can!

You’re perfect the way you are!

You deserve health and happiness.

Switch that inner monologue to a brand new station, one that is thick with the sweetest truth: you are wonderful!

One more time to let it sink in: you’re amazing!

In peace and love,

Julie don't forget your power

Download this FREE PDF: Affirmations for Nurses


You're Amazing

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