Top Three Things To Ensure a Healthy Relationship While Working Night Shift

top 3 things to ensure a healthy relationshiop while working night shift

Shift work can be hard on a relationship. There is little face-to-face time if you work different shifts which leaves little time for sorting out family plans, having healthy conversations, or enjoying a sex life.

But there are things you can do to ensure that your connection with your boo stays solid.

1. Schedule date night every single week. Then guard it. Don’t let anything short of a kid in the ER stop it from happening. You may not have tons of time to enjoy date night, but remember that you can make the most of the time you do have. Focus on quality over quantity.

HOT TIP: To make date night happen every week, set the date for next week’s date night during this week’s date night.

2. Share your gratitude. When you’re working different shifts, not seeing your spouse regularly, and sleeping at different times there are all of these disconnects that you have to continually overcome.

One of the best ways to keep the distance short is to say thank you. Every time you see them, thank them for washing the dishes or putting the kids to bed. It doesn’t matter if it’s their shared and agreed upon duty. Everyone appreciates being appreciated. Before you know it, you’ll be at work and thinking about how grateful you are that your SO brought the garbage can in and you’ll shoot off a thankful text with a heart. Or better yet, your better half will catch the gratitude bug too.

top 3 things to ensure a healthy relationship while working night shift

3. Daily emotional checks. The chaos of life may have you both running in different directions with a “hey” or a “can you pick up the kids?” But relationships that last for the long haul make time for emotional checks. Couples who work different shifts may have different feelings about their roles so taking the time to check in with your partner on a deeper level is crucial for connection. Talking about your feelings and discussing solutions that benefit you both can take the hectic out shift work.

Shift work doesn’t have to be a death sentence for your relationship.

Relationships need work no matter what shift you work. Different schedules, lifestyles, and minimal time together just means you have work harder than usual. But doing whatever you need to keep your relationship healthy and happy is worth the effort.

Julie don't forget your power
top 3 things to ensure a healthy relationship while working night shift

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